Thursday, June 30, 2011

How to Preserve Paintings - Top 3 Tips

Paintings are a very important piece of art and there are really very less things in this world which can add beauty to a room as fast as paintings can. Today, I see so many art lovers spending thousands of dollars for their favorite piece of art, but end up loosing it due to small but preventable mistakes. This is the reason I have written this article.

This article will discuss top 3 tips to preserve paintings and keep them the same year after year.

So here are the top three tips to preserve and care for paintings:

Temperature and humidity- To help your painting remain as beautiful as it was when you bought it, you must try to maintain the temperature and humidity as high variations in these two aspects are almost always responsible for ruining great pieces of art. Of course, it does also depend on which medium the painting has been made. As a note you must know high temperatures are always bad for paintings. Now don't start freaking about this stuff as small variations in temperature will not do anything to your paintings, all this stuff is to give you knowledge about exceptions so that you don't lose your favorite painting due to small mistakes.
Protection from ultraviolet rays- Exposure to ultraviolet rays can cause some real damage to your paintings. Ultra violet rays will greatly decrease the richness and make your paintings look dull and old, this is the reason you don't see very high intensity light in museums and other paintings exhibitions. So you must take care where you place your painting, it is obvious that you want to display your newly bought paintings but make sure you don't hang them near windows or other area which gets heavily exposed to sun light.
Get them framed- This one is obvious and it kind of goes without saying, but still I can't count how many people I see don't get their expensive paintings framed and let them get spoiled.

Particles like dust and dirt can make your paintings look untidy and dirty, which is certainly a no-no for any art lover.

There are many cheap wooden and plastic frames available in the market, but if you are a real art lover and really want to increase the effect of the painting then get a good frame, it makes the painting look beautiful than you can ever imagine.

f you are an art lover and want to see beautiful Indian paintings click here --> Ganesha paintings. If you want to see traditional paintings from Rajasthan click here --> Rajasthani paintings.

View the original article here

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